Does Garcinia Cambogia Cause High Blood Pressure?

Does Garcinia Cambogia Cause High Blood Pressure?

If you are a person who suffers from overweight and obesity and the various problems associated with it, then it is quite likely that you will find the next few lines interesting and informative. There is no doubt that millions of people in the world suffer from being overweight and thousands migrate to obesity.

It certainly is one of the biggest challenges in this century. There are many reasons ascribable to it.

What Are The Reasons For It?

Our changing lifestyles, lack of exercises (even for kids) and one of the least unhealthy food habits are often considered to be the main contributory factors.

The problem does not remain restricted to development of fat around the various parts of the body. You also suffer quite a few other medical conditions especially when you start becoming chronically overweight or obese.

It Leads To Health Challenges

The most common results of this problem are high blood pressure, increased levels of blood sugar, joint and bone problems amongst other things.

Therefore, we need to keep it in check and we try many ways to bring down our weight. Change in food habits, more focus of exercising and avoiding stress and tension, could be considered as one of the many ways by which this problem can be addressed.

The Role Of Garcinia Cambogia

Apart from exercise, better food habits and better lifestyle patterns, the role of weight loss capsules, drinks, potions and other such products are now becoming quite popular.

If you do your research and spend some time on the internet, you certainly will be able to come across dozens of such options. Garcinia Cambogia is often considered to be a proven and result-oriented way by which one can fight obesity while also focusing on exercise and improved and more efficient food and eating habits.

What Is It?

Garcinia cambogia (GC) is basically a naturally occurring fruit that is found in abundance in the countries of South East Asia. It is green in color and resembles a small sized pumpkin.

It has been used as detoxifying agent by the natives for thousands of years. It also has been recently found to be effective for managing overweight and obesity problems.

Today, it is considered to be one of the non-exercise and non-food-intake based options for managing weight related problems.

What Does It Have?

Original and high quality GC extracts is known to be a rich source of HCA or hydroxycitric acid. This is often referred to as an amazing agent that helps in doing a number of tasks.

To begin with it is a potent anti-appetite substance. It inhibits and reduces the quantum of hunger increasing hormones in the body.

Secondly, it also helps to improve the metabolism rate and helps the body to burn calories more completely and more efficiently.

Finally, the best quality GC could also help quite a bit in being a natural blocking agent for fat absorption and accumulation in the body.

Hence, when all the above three points are taken into account, there are reasons to believe that it could be one of the best natural alternatives for safe and efficient weight management.

Is It Safe?

Yes, there are reasons to believe that garcinia cambogia is quite safe because the main compound HCA and other by products are extracted from a natural occurring product.

It has been in use by the natives of South East Asian countries for years at length and with good effect. However, like all supplements, it is not without its share of side effects and here are a few of them.

In most cases, the side effects are temporary and transient and should subside within a few days or a week at the most.

Common Side Effects

The most common side effects are dry mouth, palpitations, constipation, vomiting and nausea, amongst other. Some people also complain of headache that is constant in nature.

Apart from the above, there have been some instances of increased levels of blood pressure or building up of hypertension in very few cases.

Over the next few lines, we will be focusing more on the direct or indirect relation between GC and high blood pressure.

High Blood Pressure And GC

When we refer to high blood pressure, we are referring to a situation where the blood moves through the veins of our body at a much higher pace or speed.

There is no doubt that high blood pressure is dangerous because body may not be in a position to heal itself properly.

Eventually it could lead to situations where the persons might run the risk of being impacted by heart diseases and the risk of stroke might also increase significantly.

Yes GC Might Impact BP

It would be wrong to suggest that there is zero impact of garcinia cambogia on blood pressure.

As is the case with caffeine, high dosage of HCA can lead to sudden spikes in blood pressure and the heart rate may also increase quite substantially.

It is a fact that HCA is found in all citrus fruits, but the concentration in GC is much higher and this could be a reason to worry for those who suffer from high blood pressure.

Although the risks are quite evident, it would be not be right to totally blame high blood pressure to garcinia cambogia alone. It could be one of the many reasons for high blood pressure.

How To Handle The Risk?

Not using GC and not fighting overweight and obesity problems would not be the best way forward.

The benefits associated with GC in helping obese and overweight persons to bring down their weight safely, perhaps far outweighs the risks of high blood pressure.

Hence, a better option would be to take the help of your doctor or visit a cardiologist and take inputs and suggestions from them.

They will certainly recommend a few drugs for treating hypertension. They will be careful to recommend only those drugs that do not have a wrong impact when taken together with garcinia cambogia

Regulation Of HCA Intake

The doctors might also recommend reduced dosage of GC which is the richest source of HCA.

This with other precautions like lesser intake of salt, exercising and eating within limits should be enough to negate the small risks association with GC and high blood pressure.

Hence, it would be a good idea to continue your fight against overweight and obesity problems and also reduce the risk of hypertension which might be caused by the use of HCA and GC.

We also need to keep in mind that the blood pressure will stabilize once the other factors and risks are also done away with.

Few Other Questions

Who are at risk?

If you are a patient already diagnosed with mild or moderate hypertension, then you must be carefully about the use of garcinia cambogia.

You should never get started on your own and must take inputs from your health care provider and personal physician.

Should I stop GC altogether?

This is an answer that is best answered by your personal physician or your cardiologist.

They will conduct test and find out the overall condition of your heart and then suggest the best way forward.

The decision to stop GC altogether or postpone its usage or continue it in the prescribed dosage is all a matter that has to be decided by your doctors alone.

Any other precaution?

You also should understand that there is a direct connection between hypertension and high blood sugar. Both are cousins and one is complementary to the other.

Hence, if you have hypertension, you must ensure that you are free from blood sugar because a combination of the two along with increased intake of HCA may not be the right thing to do.

Here again, the doctor should be the final arbitrator.

Some Main Brands Of Garcinia Cambogia

We are sure that the above information could have helped quite a few doubts surrounding hypertension and GC usage in particular.

It also would have given a useful insight about GC and the reason why it could be helpful in fighting the scourge of obesity and overweight problems.

We will now look at a few brands of GC in so that you can make up your mind as to which to buy.

1. Hawaii Pharm Garcinia Cambogia

This is considered to be a high class extract of garcinia cambogia and comes in the form of a tincture. You get 4 fl.oz on each purchase.

It is claimed to contain the highest concentration of HCA and is made fully from natural ingredients. It is the crude extract of the first extraction and therefore you get GC is in its most original form.

2. Weight Management Menopause – Garcinia Cambogia

This is from the house of Fat Burner. It is considered to be a natural fat burner.

It could play a big role in burning fast naturally and efficiently and also could help in building a lean muscle mass. It could lower appetite and also fight cholesterol build up.

3. Lineaslim Garcinia Cambogia

This is a 1000 mg extract of garcinia cambogia and also has 150 mg of green coffee bean extract. It can block enzymes that turn carbohydrates into fat.

It could help in avoiding overeating and also fight the problem of emotional eating.


When we take into account the composition of garcinia cambogia, especially the rich concentration of HCA, we have reasons to believe that it could work wonders in fighting overweight and obesity problems.

However, as mentioned above, those who are suffering from high blood pressure or are a borderline case should exercise a bit of caution and care and go by the doctors’ advice when it comes to the use of garcinia cambogia on a long term basis.