Cinderella Solution Flavor Pairing Tea Review & Examples For Weight Loss

Cinderella Solution Flavor Pairing Tea Review & Examples For Weight Loss


Weight loss has been and still is a global fight, what with the several studies and research around it.

Millions of kids, teens, and adults are struggling to either reduce theirs or maintain what they’ve been able to achieve so far.

Numerous diet plans have come and gone, all claiming to be powerful and new ways of helping people reach their weight loss goals with little to no effort.

Most of them don’t work, and sometimes rebrand and come back to the market in a new light, with “brighter” hope for their targets.

Those that do work are either too difficult to follow and keep up with, or when you stop using them, your weight comes back on like it never really disappeared in the first place.

While we love to eat, most of us hardly take any action to keep our bodies fit, live and stay healthy.

Therein lies the weight loss problem because we store excess fat in ourselves, which translates to obesity and fatness.

The Cinderella Solution was birthed from one woman’s struggle with overweight, unhappiness, and depression, plus other issues like hypertension and related weight ailments.

Carly Donovan, the author of the slimming program for women, uncovered a solution that helped her reduce her weight and generally improve her health.

If you’re a woman looking to lose weight, read on to find out more about the Cinderella Solution.

What is The Cinderella Solution?

Cinderella Solution is a slimming program that claims to be a flavor-pairing plan that can help reduce adult women’s weight by reducing appetite and accelerating their metabolism.

The program centers around eating healthy foods and herbs, with a focus on the concept of ICE dysfunction.

The ultimate goal is to help women become slim and feel comfortable in their own skin.

Carly Donovan, the program’s author, believes that pairing the right flavors and foods together signals to your body that it needs to use your most ample “storage-zones” as its “first-choice” source of fuel.

Describing her personal struggles, Donovan says she struggled with being overweight, depressed, unhappy and other weight-related issues like hypertension.

All these brought her down one day and she found herself in a hospital bed.

She vowed that she’d do everything within her power to find a solution.

The Cinderella Flavor Pairing solution turned out to be her eureka moment, as she says it helped her lose weight and improve her health generally.

Donovan adds that the program helped her shift from a dreary past to recover her figure and youthful glow, which she last saw in her twenties.

The 28-day weight loss program is packaged as a digital series of PDF ebooks that are downloadable once you purchase the plan.

You can read them from a mobile device or your computer, making it convenient for your daily use.

The program has two key phases: Ignite and Launch. Both last for two weeks, but have different functions and separate meal plans.

Instead of focusing on eliminating entire groups of food, the program focuses on the right combinations of food that will maximize the rate of fat burn and weight loss.

Also included in the package is a low-intensity workout guide with exercises that focus mostly on the hips, glutes, and abdominal muscles.

If you want to jump head-on into the program or want to learn about it first before you take the plunge, there’s an option for either preference.

Plus, there are two distinct paths you can pick from depending on what suits you.

Maybe you have no clue about nutrition, but you’re sure you want to lose weight.

In this case, you can start with the program’s 17-page Quick Start Guide and get lots of information in a short time.

Plus, you’ll get to understand what you need to do and when to expect the best results from your efforts.

The flavor-pairing rituals are designed to hit the “reset-switch” on your metabolisms, tackling key fat-burning hormones: Estrogen, Insulin, and Cortisol.

The program also gives you access to the “Time-Machine Trick” anyone can use to bring back the vibrant and clear skin you had in your youth while revving up your happiness, mood and wellbeing.

Benefits of the Cinderella Solution

While results may vary with the use of the program, some of the reviews from average users of the solution say it’s among the best options for long-term and sustainable weight loss.

This is because of its unique compilation that offers something for everyone. Specifically:

  • It’s a program designed for women because weight loss differs between the sexes owing to body composition, hormonal composition and many other factors. Women need a different approach, so the solution customizes it to their unique weight loss needs.
  • Easy workouts. The program also makes it easier for those with limited time to focus more on diet and food combinations. This way, they do what aids with weight loss boosting and hormonal regulation, instead of demanding workouts.
  • Detailed information is available from macro nutrition, to your body’s hormonal function, among other informative topics all with enough science-backed information to help you shed the extra weight for good.
  • Useful and practical tools are included like a 14-day calendar, to track what you eat and when you eat, plus detailed recipes to add flavorful fun to your weight loss routine.
  • Value for money. Cinderella Solution is a treasure trove of information and you can get a single purchase at an affordable price, or check online for exciting offers and deals. As a bonus, you’ll get the Quick Start Guide, 21-day kickstart nutrition guide, movement sequencing activity guide and more.
  • Digital convenience. The program is available in digital format so it’s convenient as you can follow anywhere as long as you have a mobile device or computer. There are ebooks you can follow, or you can watch the workout videos online.

Cinderella Solution Flavor Pairing Tea

The Cinderella Solution program offers immediate access to the taste-filled carb-pairing habits that target areas of your body most prone to weight gain and fat accumulation.

This is because it first focuses on resetting the three key female fat-loss hormones we’ve mentioned above – what is referred to as Donovan’s “female fat-loss code”.

For rapid, safe and rewarding weight loss, the program offers recipes for teas, diet and flavor-pairing.

The flavor-pairing rituals are drawn from research on the Japanese, Swiss, Australian and Spanish women’s ways of controlling the female hormones.

According to Donovan, these tend to go wild between puberty and menopause, causing devastating effects on weight.

In particular, she claims that eating the Shoku-iku (food education) way of the Japanese in combination with practicing flavor pairing rituals, will help treat the root cause of weight gain or obesity.

Japan has been one of the top five healthiest nations on the planet, and its women have an average lifespan of 87 years – a number that increases with time. Medically, Japanese women had uncommonly low rates of heart attack, dementia, stroke, and depression thanks to the Shoku-iku diet, which they’ve used for more than 200 years.

Other diet plans or fads like Keto and Atkins, or those based around portion and/or calorie control may help reduce satisfaction, but they’re only treating symptoms – not the actual cause.

They may not even understand how to reverse the weight gain process or why most women gain weight steadily over time.

Donovan’s flavor-pairing ritual caters to the ICE type 1 hormone profile and claims to reverse the fat management process of your teenage years and early twenties, changing it from “store” to “burn” fat.

Special flavor pairing tea combinations

The Cinderella Solution offers special food combinations and flavor-pairing tea recipes for weight loss. These include:

  • Greek yogurt and sweet potatoes
  • Apples and chocolate
  • Mint and green tea
  • Salmon and asparagus
  • Walnuts and raspberries
  • Tilapia and vegetables
  • Fish and garlic
  • Ricotta and berries

The program designs meal plans using these and many other food combinations proven to boost metabolism and help with weight loss.

Examples of Flavor Pairing for Weight Loss

As stated above, flavor pairing is a Japanese ritual that Donovan draws from in the Cinderella Solution, which combines different foods and makes them based on similar flavor compounds.

Two or more different ingredients are combined that taste good together but are also a necessary part of the food program.

Losing weight has long been a tough and boring endeavor that includes tough exercises and tasteless meals.

With Donovan’s flavor pairing techniques, there are hundreds and thousands of different food combinations that taste really good together.

Mint and Green TeaBased on such flavor-pairing, you can include different grains, vegetables, fruit or proteins that are healthy and tasteful.

For Cinderella Solution’s flavor-pairing teas, you can work with different ingredients, such as the Mint and Green tea recipe below.

Mint and Green Tea

Maintaining a healthy diet is a big part of weight loss. It’s not easy sticking to healthy food if you’re not fond of them, especially power foods like kale and quinoa.

Cravings for fatty, salty and sugary food can also compound the problem, making you fall back to bad habits and ditching your diet.

You can banish these cravings by drinking Mint and Green tea and stay healthy and on target.

Green tea offers a variety of health benefits. Japanese and Chinese usually consume it with every meal as it helps promote a healthy lifestyle while shedding belly fat thanks to catechins.

These are compounds in the tea that help increase metabolic rates, reduce fat storage, and boost energy levels.

According to the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, consistent consumption of green tea increases metabolism and ultimately leads to weight loss.

The study had three groups from 63 participants, each given different amounts of green tea and placebos.

The results showed that the group that took four cups of green tea daily significantly decreased bodyweight, waist circumference and body mass index (BMI).

Similarly, there’s evidence that green tea consumption can turbocharge the burning of fat in your body so you can reach your weight loss goals faster.

Another study found that green tea sends signals to fat cells to release fat, thereby boosting the ability of the liver to convert fat into energy.

The participants here drank up to five cups of green tea daily with a 25-minute workout, and it was found that they lost about 2 pounds on average than those who just did the workout.

Mint and green tea recipe

  • You’ll need some green tea and peppermint leaves
  • Combine them in a large teacup
  • Drink while inhaling deeply.

Peppermint tea bags can be used for your convenience if you want to keep cravings at bay on the go, but loose tea leaves are the best for weight loss as they have more chemical compounds for health benefits.

Note: Drinking green tea boosts metabolism especially when taken before or during meals.

You can add some workout routines from Cinderella Solution’s program for better results.

Peppermint has a scent profile, which when combined with green tea gives off crushing powers.

Inhaling mint triggers chemical reactions in your brain that helps reduce hunger pangs, bloating, and make you feel comfortable after meals.

Spinach, Apple and Ginger

This drink pairs three different flavors:

  • The slimming spinach that’s packed with vitamin A and K along
  • Spicy-flavored ginger
  • Fiber-filled apples

All three make for an extremely healthy combination in one for you to lose weight without taking tasteless meals.

Final Thoughts

Losing weight isn’t easy, especially trying to find the time to eat healthy and work out if you’re not into healthy living.

However, it doesn’t have to be hard.

You can take up the delicious flavor pairing teas from the Cinderella Solution diet and add them to your daily routine with workouts, and shed off some extra weight.

While the Cinderella solution isn’t perfect, it’s a great way to get started with a healthy lifestyle.

As always, make sure to consult your physician before embarking on any diet or weight loss programs to find out what works best for your body.